Every school year, the Monroe PTA plans, organizes, and brings to life many events and programs to support our Monroe Elementary students. While not every event is possible every year, here’s a list of some of the things you can look forward to!
Cada año escolar, la PTA de Monroe planifica, organiza y da vida a muchos eventos y programas para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes de la Primaria Monroe. Si bien no todos los eventos son posibles todos los años, ¡aquí hay una lista de algunas de las cosas que puede esperar!
Fall & Winter
Opening Weekend Hendry’s Beach Party!
AXXESS Book Sales
Fall Festival
The Annual Fund
Monroe Beautification
Halloween CARnival
Restaurant Nights
Winter Faire
Winter Dance
Holiday Caroling
Spring & Summer
Science Night
Walk and Roll to School
Kermes Festival
Summer Reading Program
End of Year Beach Party at Hendry’s!